Each year, I divine the year ahead using the Opele in the tradition of Ifa. The sacred Odu that has been divined to guide us this year is:

Ogbe Osa

The potent matrix of Ogbe energy will shower us with many opportunities and new beginnings, together with evolution and strong support from the elements around us.

This year will call us to use intelligence—both cosmic and personal—to discern when choosing the right path. Ogbe energies are, at times, so strong that they do not take into account the personal circumstances in our lives when they emerge. So it will be of the utmost importance to keep our mind calm and clear, as it will be hard not to feel scattered due to the many options presented. Our focus must not be diminished, but our egos will need to be kept in check to enable us to choose the right direction in our lives.

Osa energy will also bring sudden sweeping changes. It is energy that is highly active. Increased communication, interaction and exchange are indicated that will, at times, call for a deeper understanding of issues. It also indicates that one may need to sacrifice their current conditions of stability in order to gain new foundation of the matters at hand.

Following this summary of energies, this year we need to place importance on humility, grace, and clarity within ourselves as the key to success in various situations. At times, it will benefit us to give up some things in order to gain what we truly want and deserve.

It will be certain that, with all the abundance and opportunities that are surfacing, we will be tested this year and put under spiritual pressure to do the right thing and keep true to the nature of our character that is goodness, kindness and love.

In relation to the areas of health, success, relationships, family and destiny, we are as a nation Off Path in three areas: Health, Family and Success. This is where we will be most challenged in 2019.


Our health systems are not in order. Massive changes are needed in the area of mental health, public hospital as well as aged care organisations. As a nation, Australia must look carefully at what keeps us in check, and be mindful of situations that breed malcontent and a public ‘illness.’

Issues such as the integration of new cultures and what they bring to our table from both a positive and negative light. Are they good for all? For the health and welfare of those already here is paramount. Our First Nations people and their culture is often ignored while we are told to be tolerant of these new ones. This creates further divide and again, is not healthy. Nor is it right!

Guardian Orisas: Ogun & Osonyin, who both shed a light onto these issues and can help us to resolve them.


If we as a nation are to be successful, no one living in this beautiful country should be living below the poverty line. No child should be left homeless, hungry or feeling unsafe. Are we doing enough, are we truly the land of plenty? This is what we need to look into this year and make sure our success is measured not by monetary means but equality, humility and grace.

We must, as a people, remove the obstacles of self-interest from those who have the loudest voices, replacing them with what we as the citizens truly desire and want. Success comes with long-term planning and this is the year to begin to create who we truly want to be and be seen, both from within and outside our borders.

Guardian Orisa: Ososi—represented with the bow and arrow, this is the energy of focus and hitting the mark, while keeping energies that will interfere at bay.


The foundation of society, the family unit is being challenged every day by parents put under the stress of working continually just to survive from week to week. Going with the flow without so much stress and conflict within the family is harder but not impossible to achieve. The solution is to connect more with nature and disconnect from social and mainstream media which bring with them the disruptions of outside influences. Staying connected with each other on a soul level, we can see light and stability returning.

Family is ALL of us, not just our own immediate family. We need to be mindful of this at ALL times. As we integrate our society, one ‘family’ must not become more important than another, neither should we allow new family members to dictate the terms of our own lives. Again we see the need for the original family members (our nation’s first people) to be heard also.

Guardian Orisa: Esu—the trickster who opens possibilities for those with a pure purpose and closes them to anybody who wishes anybody else harm.

The Good News

We do have positive aspects of energies coming to us also. As a nation, we remain On Path in the areas of our destiny and relationships.


We have a growing deep sense of knowing and doing what is right for us as a nation. Honouring the Ancestors of this land (as well as our own), and leading with truth, integrity and honesty will see us following the path of success and ensuring that we leave a good legacy for our future generations. This is ongoing and slow, but necessary.

The freedom of all our people and their rights ensures that our destiny will continue to be positive as none are ignored and we listen to all, creating honour, integrity and good character as the Australian way of life, rather than decisions based on fear and greed or self-interest.

Guardian Orisa: Orunmila – wisdom, Sango – strategy & Ososi – direction. Combined, we see direction with knowledge and the ability to shoot through the challenges to enhance our good principles and continue on this path.


This year calls us, as a nation, to focus on seeing the whole picture and valuing all the points of view from all participants, especially those from different nations and religious institutions. This is needed to maintain correct relationships between different parties. It will call for calmness and coolness to prevail if we want to achieve successful international relationships without losing our own integrity or value as a nation. We must stand strongly here.

Guardian Orisa: Osun – sensuality, Yemonja – nurturing, Aje – wealth, Oba – faithfulness, Ela – creation, Obatala – clarity: With so many energies present, it is a sign relationships are this year one of the most important cornerstones for success in all areas of our life – let it be a relationship with ourselves, partners, families and loved ones, or relationships between countries

Victory Over Difficulties

This is an indication that no matter what comes our way, attempting to push us into difficulties and confrontation, we will be able to persevere and achieve victory over difficulties by going with the flow and taking a joyful approach to challenges when they are presented in 2019.

By going with the flow, this does NOT mean cowering to self-interested groups but standing together as one nation, seeing what is best for us, along with those who seek our assistance.

Guardian Orisa: Ori – head/crown, Ibeji – twins – Together they represent complimenting and opposing polarities, coming together as one and balancing that polarity of power.

In Summary:

2019 will be a year when we will have many opportunities to manage our everyday lives much better and with greater ease. We can manifest our deepest desires and needs, as long as we maintain clarity, lest becoming overwhelmed by the options presented.

Obatalá, our nation’s guardian orisa for 2019, will assist us to make decisions (both individually and as a nation) that are of good character based on truth and integrity. Ase.

It is the year when the need to Honour all our Ancestors becomes of utmost importance. I would call upon you to connect with your loved ones in spirit, honour their lives as the ones that gave us a chance to experience this matrix we live in here and now. Ase.

2019 Orisa for Australia – OBATALA

Obatalá – Energy of Purity, Clear Thinking and Justice

Connecting with this energy matrix this year will support us in keeping our heads cool and calm. It is with this clarity that we can make the right decisions and recognise what is right and what is wrong. Making these decisions also enables us to see and identify what it is around us that influences which way we move forward.

The ability to sense all energies that are around certain people, situations or events is critical to assess the whole picture and then make the right decisions. For with Obatalá there is only right and wrong there is no middle path.

Obatalá is also known as the Orisa of the White Cloth, as an Old Man whose representation of increased clarity and judgement comes with age, along with the responsibilities to carry such wisdom within. Obatalá is the King of the Orisa, but not because of his power or ego, but because of the clarity which we all need. Particularly when we sit within a state of confusion or confrontations within our own mind or in relationship with others.

Obatalá is mostly found in the woods or mountains as it is nature that is pleasing and supportive when we need clarity of mind.

He has been associated with:

  • Chameleon – displaying cunning and stealth with the ability to change colour and avoid being captured, which is linked to Obatala’s wisdom.
  • Gorilla – one of the most intelligent animals, lives up in the mountains and is a bit shy.
  • Elephant – long life, enormous power and lives mostly unbothered by other animals, holding aged wisdom, family and ancestors sacred.
  • Snail – possesses powerful medicine for cooling and treating head injuries.

As you see they all show different characteristics which Obatala’s energy represents.

An important aspect of this energy is that it carries both male and female aspects, representing true equality. Ase.

Sunday is the day that is dedicated to Obatalá. His offerings are mainly foods with mild taste like milk, rice, yam, coconuts, bananas and fresh fruits and loves cigars. It is also important to know that liquor is never offered to Obatala.

The number associated with this energy is 8, which to me it symbolises infinity of wisdom and clarity. Ase.

Offering to Obatalá for 2019 – White Candle. Ase.

Ivana Iyanifa

Disclosure: Interpretations here are based on my own personal experiences and understanding of energies and may not necessarily reflect the traditional Yoruba explanations of their old ways and teachings. We take a worldview and I know they are aligning with the energies of the 21st century and its ways so that ordinary people can understand the concepts of such powerful and potent old ways to empower transform and enrich the Ifa way. I do believe the concept of Ifa is the worldview now and we can all benefit from energies of the same Creator. Ase