Our Inner Child… we all have one. This is why it’s important to heal yours.

Our inner child can shape our beliefs, fears and habits, which means it can play a huge part in how we live our lives and relate to each other in our relationships as adults. Unresolved pain, grief or trauma can lead to a rocky future and, if left unresolved, our hopes of smooth sailing will prove to be hopeless.

Most people underestimate how crippling it can be to not look at or heal this aspect of your soul. Destructive behaviour comes in a variety of forms, from self-sabotage and passive hostility to dramatic self-destructive and violent behaviour. Much of the time we are not even aware of the reasons behind our actions or the ‘elephant in the room’ causing all the upheaval.

When we take the time to bring old wounds to the surface and release them, then I assure you there are no words that can describe how dramatically your life will improve in all aspects.

First, we need to see what the primary cause is before we can begin to mend it. This, my friends, is where Inner Child Healing comes in.

Inner child healing helps to resolve core wounding, patterns of recurring behaviour and self- sabotage. It gives you an insight into not only why you are the way you are, but also to the potential that is within you and who it is you truly can be.

Have you spent time getting to know your inner child? Do you understand their fears and reactions? Have you taken the time to get acquainted with your history and how it impacts you today?

If your answer is no then I encourage you to act now.

I say this sincerely. Whether it is myself or someone else equipped to help you, I urge you to find someone or something that helps you on this journey. Without a doubt, it will be an adventure you will remember positively for the rest of your life.

Sometimes in all the hustle and bustle of life as an adult, we forget to value ourselves, to soak in the simple things and to do things that bring us joy. We neglect the very things we would not have neglected as children. The sheer and passionate pursuit of happiness!

Inner child ventures aren’t always about healing trauma or trying to fix what we perceive to be broken. Sometimes our inner child acts as the teacher to remind us to play and bring joy back into our lives. To remember what made our heart sing. To be ‘Peter Pan’ and fly. To believe in the magic.

Wherever the journey takes you, it is one that will help you to remember that you have everything within you and are precious no matter how old you are.

You can experience an inner child healing session with me either in Sydney or via Skype.